Tuesday, February 24, 2015

I am not Broken

Hi Ya'll! I thought maybe this first post I would tell ya a little bit about myself. It has taken me almost 32 years to realize that I am not broken! I am a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! Yep I am a mormon!! I love my faith and with any faith or church you will always have struggles thats what life is all about right? Going threw this struggles or as we call them trials to gain the knowledge that we came to this earth to gain. I love my church and everything about it! When I finally truly learned about the Plan of Salvation (6 years ago) I know this was the church for me. No I am not a convert. I grew up in the church, but sadly I left for 10 years. WHAT!! Yes I said it, I left the church for 10 years. Why you ask? I was angry. I can't express to you how angry I was. I didn't understand why our Heavenly Father who claims to have this amazing love for his children could put them threw so much and watch them go threw so much pain. I DIDN'T UNDERSTAND. I left the church at the most crucial time in a persons life. I was 13. It was the worst decision I ever made. The teenage years are the most sensitive time in your life. Its the time of your life that starts to define who you are and what you possible might become and with the lord on your side the world is in your hands. Without the lord well he never leaves you but it makes it that much easier for Satan to sink in! Why start a blog? Well I have learned that life is short and I have 2 amazing lil boys. I wanted to write my thoughts and experience down for them so if I am not here to tell them they will have a piece of me with them always!

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